Thursday, June 5, 2008

Pakistan 1947-2008

Please click this link for some details abount PAKISTAN.
Courtesy Wikipedia


The founders of Pakistan died soon after its advent.And that was a huge misfortune for its journey.Then vultures and leeches surrounded this holy land to feed on it.
The game started after the murder of Liaqat Ali Khan.Till now many unfaithful rulers and political parties have come to loot this country.

To avoid going in past,let me write briefly.

Pakistan Peoples Party,Muslim League (A-Z),Jamat-e-Islami,MQM(Altaf)
The above mentioned political and religious parties left no stone unturned to destroy Pakistan.Pakistan Army always have taken lead also to rape home land.Now in Civil and army officals serve the ambitions of enemies of Pakistan.
These vultures and leeches have made Pakistan a shame on world map.


Musharraf made a blunder to dismiss a team of Judges with Chief Justice.There is much demand from Public and layers to restore them.Asif Zardari came up with Package.Well,This package provides unlimited powers to president,specially for writing off wrong doings of the corrupts and president's wrong deeds as well.Actually Zardari introduces this so that Musharraf wipe off his crime-sheet forever.

There is no man of truth and word who can lead the nation towards stability of all kinds.
Nawaz Shareef is also the chip of the same bloc.He did nothing for the people and Pakistan during his reign.
Crises of food,electricity and many more show that since the murder of liaqat ali khan,only idiots have ruled over Pakistan and destroyed it 95 percent.

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